Started off early this morning with the final bushes in the leafy green patch. It was 7:30 and I put off watching soccer. I took them out one runner at a time. The big daddy root was bullet proof, but I finally split it. I'll worry about taking it out later. Got a little building debris to clean out of that spot as well.
Now for the trees. I had to get gas for the chainsaw and needed 2-cycle oil. Went to the Home Depot for the squeeze bottle that measures out just the right amount. While there I saw peach trees and plum trees for $20 a piece. I think two or three peaches and a plum will be good.
Well, after getting the gas I got to work on freeing up some sunlight for my pecans. I took out the tree directly behind the garage that was super shading one pecan. Then I began working on the oaks and other trees surrounding my pecan triplets. I took the top bar off the chain link fence so I wouldn't break it if the trees didn't agree to fall exactly where I wanted them to fall.

Of course they didn't. The oak landed kind of on the fence kind of on some other oaks. The other tree I took down took off a limb from one of triplets. Otherwise that one came down as I wished it to. Now, all I have to do is clean the mess up and take down one or two more trees around the triplets.

Next on the agenda is to get the area between the backdoor and the deck clean, and make the front of the house presentable.
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