I started this blog to record my experiments/adventures in the land of urban agriculture. It is growing into a garden consutation business. I will be happy to advise, plan, install and maintain (or any combination thereof) a garden for you. Contact me for more information at lknzfarm@gmail.com or 678-427-3101, or message me at Elkins Farm and Garden on FB.

Friday, November 27, 2015

De Ja Vu

Maybe I should read my own blog. Last two posts about the same thing.

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

My new method of composting. I work my compost in barrels. The ingredients still get piled till there's room in a barrel. When it's time to turn the compost I throw a lid on the barrel, knock it over, and push it with the lawn mower. 

I do it that way for two reasons. One is that I'm extremely lazy and the other is I get through the turning a lot faster. A third reason is how heavy the barrels get when they are nearing the end. I did mention I'm lazy, right?

Maybe I'll get P-man to video the turning next time.